Creating Pathways to

Great Careers

Empowering Educators,
Partnering with Employers,
Inspiring Students


Bridging Classrooms to Careers

February 12-14, 2025

The demand for sustainability professionals is soaring, creating a critical skills gap that hinders our transition to a green economy. The GUP-25 Summit brings educators and industry leaders together to address this challenge head-on. By clarifying green job demands, identifying essential skills, and charting clear career pathways, we will empower students to create healthy communities and thrive in the coming decades. Join us as we work together to build a skilled green workforce and create opportunities for all.

Four Core Offerings

1. Discover Green Pathways: A 1-Hour Orientation and Starter Kit

Gain insights into essential skills, career paths, and job demand by watching an 8-minute video, exploring top credentials, and learning to assess your classroom's green readiness.

  • Designed for: School guidance counselors, secondary educators, college and university faculty, and school administrators (can help student job seekers, too)
  • Free and Accessible: No cost and easily fit into your schedule.
  • Comprehensive: Covers skills, paths, and demand.
  • Practical Tools: Includes a starter kit to support your implementation.
  • Impactful: Empower your students with knowledge and resources for green careers. 

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2. Educational Video Segments On Demand

Share real-world insights with your students and staff in or out of the classroom. Green Teach for Opportunity offers over 25 on-demand videos featuring experts’ timely insights into green career pathways and skills.

Featuring world-renowned workforce and sustainability leaders such as LinkedIn's Efrem Bycer, Marilyn Waite, author of Careers that Make a Difference, and Sharon Jaye, policy director for the City and County of Denver, the podcast-style features cover diverse industries and academic fields, from climate tech to building efficiency and finance. 

Speakers share stories about when and how the softer competencies come into play and provide insights into specialized skills and tools for regenerative practice across multiple fields as well as stories about when and how the softer competencies come into play. We include highlights from student story telling as well. 

A comprehensive teaching guide accompanies the educational video offerings. Dive deeper.

3. Monthly GUP Newsletter: Equip Your Students and Workforce for Green Career Success

Discover the missing link between education and career development as they relate to positioning students with in-demand skills to land good green jobs. Our Monthly GUP newsletter provides educators and employers with the critical insights to prepare students for thriving careers in a green economy.

Your Guidemap to a Green Workforce

Each issue delivers five essential components:

  • Skill Spotlight: Uncover the hidden gems of in-demand sustainability skills with resource charts, expert interviews, and video demonstrations.
  • Job Market Pulse: Navigate the evolving landscape of green career pathways and job demand through data summaries and stories.
  • Inspiration Corner: Bolster confidence and know you aren't alone as you bridge the classroom to green careers through words of wisdom from experts across sustainability fields.
  • Opportunity Showcase: Access career-focused sustainability education events, new educational resources, and other timely opportunities for educators and employers.
  • Exclusive Perks: Gain exclusive access to bonus content and incentives from our employer partners and other Green Teach for Opportunity friends.

The Monthly GUP stands out with its unique focus on specialized skills and tools. We provide actionable intelligence that equips educators with the knowledge to prepare students for in-demand jobs and offers employers valuable insights into building a green workforce. Subscribe now.

4. Master Green Skills Education (GEM) Course

The GEM Credentialing Course equips educators to help students achieve their green career dreams. By aligning secondary and post-secondary education with employers' goals and encouraging innovation, the course helps teachers, faculty, and school career advisors position students for the best opportunities.

Through a four-pillar GAIA framework (Grounding, Adapting, Inspiring, Advancing), the GEM Course empowers educators* to:

  • Ground understanding of the green economy and its workforce needs,
  • Adapt curriculum to develop in-demand green skills and competencies,
  • Inspire other educators and students to become innovators for sustainable development across multiple fields, and
  • Advance learning for a resilient and equitable future.

*Educators: Teachers and faculty in secondary and post-secondary academic settings, school career advisors, and public or private-sector professional development coordinators. Learn more.


Our Team

We are an international team of educators, civic leaders, and entrepreneurs dedicated to equipping teachers and students with the sustainability skills needed for a regenerative future. Through Green Teach for Opportunity (GTO), an Education for Sustainable Development International (ESDI Group) project, we bridge the gap between education and industry demands. By empowering educators, we ensure that students are prepared for meaningful careers in a world focused on climate resilience and sustainable well-being.  Continue.

Our Story

Lisa Julian Keniry has been dedicated to promoting sustainability in higher education for nearly three decades, launching programs that affect millions of students globally. She authored "Ecodemia" and "Greenprint: A Plan to Prepare Community College Students for Careers in the Clean Economy" and led sustainability initiatives at NWF. She founded the ESDI Group, LLC, and Green Teach for Opportunity to help educators in preparing students for green economy demands and fostering sustainable practices in education. Get the complete story.

L.Julian Keniry


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